Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Week 7 Devices

 Well Device day without devices is annoying.  I recommend anyone doing this to search an iPad and Chromebook out because frustrating not having one.  Even though there is PC versions it doesn't it is do it justice.  I am really intrigued by explain everything and how this will work in a junior class room.  I imagine it s a very slow process to get them to an independent stage because even though the new generation are digital natives they seem to struggle with using devices in an productive way.  I have a child in my class that is very digital savvy but that is only in a gaming and short cut way.  To get productive work him this child is a real mission as they are always flicking onto pictures or games or very surface type features.  So I can see that Explain everything will be useful for the younger ones to be able to see the true use of ICT in the classroom and that it is not just a 'fun' activity to fill in time on games etc.

I am really liking the google sites and are starting to see potential uses everywhere.  So my main goal is to practise practise practise building and adding to the sites I make and look for ways to make them more seamless and smooth to use for the students.

What are you proud of?

So far I am really proud that I have been able to keep up. I was concerned because I like to have time to explore and try things over and over for them to stick and we have had that time.

What do you regret?

I regret no having an ipad with explain everything on it because it looks like it would be of real use to me

What have you taken forward into the ‘new’ era of schooling?

OMG! what haven't I taken away. There is so much to think about now. How to share with students. How to make things accessible to them. How it include the whanau. How to relate things when in class as well as out of the class. How to keep them engaged. How to upskill myself and students and parents. How to make resources that are interesting and that actually teach something not just being pretty. How to store files so things are shared correctly. How to teach!!!

I am relearning so many things in a different way.

But to be honest it is not as scary as it sounds. I think I now have a good base of digital knowledge to springboard off from. I am not so afraid to try things that may benefit my students.


Go me!


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Week 6 Enabling Access Sites Agenda Day 6


What a day.  

I have absolutely been absorbed by this weeks topic.  Last week we looked at sites and the basics. We developed a site and used it within the classroom during the week and wow what a great tool for the students to have available to them.  It allowed them to have some personal choice in what and how they could learn and even widen the choice of what they learnt.  

Today we had time (oh such a glorious word...TIME) to perfect or stream line the site we have or develop a new site.  The difference is amazing.  Just the opportunity to make things smoother and more professional, user friendly, simple but advanced.

What an oxymoron of terms.  but it definitely what it is.  On my end it allowed me to professionalise the links and pictures and content but it should make it easier and simpler for the students and whanau to use.  I have started to make a site for next year and I feel by then it should be much better than previous attempts.

We set goals at the beginning of the site building but I am taking my time to do it right so haven't really achieved them yet.  I am however really pleased with the basic set up and how  simple it look but how easy it is to work far.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Week Five

Te Moana Site Today we looked at Class sites. I have struggled to get my head around sites and their actual purpose. We have only just started using devices so up until term 3 sites really didn't seem to be of any use. Even during lockdown they felt like lip service. "ooo look at what Im doing" Mainly because my kids couldn't really access it because of no devices or no internet or the lack of independent skills to use the site. I also felt we had shared work via Facebook and Hero and reports and felt it was just repeating work for the sake of repeating work. However... after today I can see the use of sites. With my co-teacher we quickly made an attractive site relating to our termly topic, Te Moana, with books and videos to access with create tasks and extension activities for approx 5 weeks. This is not independent tasks but can be independently completed by some. This will allow for some of our students to work at their own pace and others to work with support. Of course this is not finished as I would like to go back and do a screen castify video for some of the test so that my less able readers don't have that as a barrier. This will allow for a whole range of students to feel success in their learning and being independent.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Week 4


Well look at me go. I am very interested in spread sheets and google forms and we looked indeapth at these today. #%$&*!!! Mind blowing. So much to review and think about. I really like using these and can see many many uses both in the classroom with students and in my other roles within the school. So lets look at the prompt questions... What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? I can see clearly how the use of ict can increase the audience for both our students and teachers. this will make their learning valid and make the whanau more aware of what is going on. Certainly breaks down many barriers that can be against whanau inclussion. I can see the way using digital can support learners of all levels to be successful at many levels. I like the korero about. some studnets never actually finishing and have some of those non finishes in my class. What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? Spreadsheets and google forms. LOVE IT. It may be a love/hate relationship for a while until I am more capable of creating and sharing what I have learnt. There is just so many possibilities for streamlining infomation and data. What did I learn that could be used with my learners, how could they use My maps have so uses in class particularly when if comes to "fitness and life skills. But also with maths and english. make a map to match a story...use screen castfiy to explain how to get from A to B. There are a lot of possibilities. What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life? I dont know if there is much use for this tech in my 'real life'. as I dont travel and try to stay off digital tools in my down time... but maps would be useful for travel. Spreadsheets and forms are definetly usefull for work but not so much at home. Man my head is swimming with the possibilites. especially in my role as sports coordinator. BOOM