Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Week Five

Te Moana Site Today we looked at Class sites. I have struggled to get my head around sites and their actual purpose. We have only just started using devices so up until term 3 sites really didn't seem to be of any use. Even during lockdown they felt like lip service. "ooo look at what Im doing" Mainly because my kids couldn't really access it because of no devices or no internet or the lack of independent skills to use the site. I also felt we had shared work via Facebook and Hero and reports and felt it was just repeating work for the sake of repeating work. However... after today I can see the use of sites. With my co-teacher we quickly made an attractive site relating to our termly topic, Te Moana, with books and videos to access with create tasks and extension activities for approx 5 weeks. This is not independent tasks but can be independently completed by some. This will allow for some of our students to work at their own pace and others to work with support. Of course this is not finished as I would like to go back and do a screen castify video for some of the test so that my less able readers don't have that as a barrier. This will allow for a whole range of students to feel success in their learning and being independent.


  1. I love your site De, all ready to go for your learners. I found it so useful to have time to create something that I can use in class also, good idea changing your topic!

  2. Kia ora De, I'm so glad we were able to help you see the purpose of a class site. I do agree it does serve a different purpose when your learners aren't 1:1, but there is still so much value in having the teaching and learning visible. Looking forward to continuing to work on sites with you tomorrow.

  3. Wow De! You and your co-teacher have been super busy! I do get what you are saying about the class site needing to be purposeful and not just adding weight and time to what is already being done through other means. Looking forward to the 'Enabling Access' content in today's DFI and coming back to see how you and your colleague may integrate further efficiencies and learning into your site. Nga mihi, Naomi.
