Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Week 4


Well look at me go. I am very interested in spread sheets and google forms and we looked indeapth at these today. #%$&*!!! Mind blowing. So much to review and think about. I really like using these and can see many many uses both in the classroom with students and in my other roles within the school. So lets look at the prompt questions... What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? I can see clearly how the use of ict can increase the audience for both our students and teachers. this will make their learning valid and make the whanau more aware of what is going on. Certainly breaks down many barriers that can be against whanau inclussion. I can see the way using digital can support learners of all levels to be successful at many levels. I like the korero about. some studnets never actually finishing and have some of those non finishes in my class. What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? Spreadsheets and google forms. LOVE IT. It may be a love/hate relationship for a while until I am more capable of creating and sharing what I have learnt. There is just so many possibilities for streamlining infomation and data. What did I learn that could be used with my learners, how could they use My maps have so uses in class particularly when if comes to "fitness and life skills. But also with maths and english. make a map to match a story...use screen castfiy to explain how to get from A to B. There are a lot of possibilities. What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life? I dont know if there is much use for this tech in my 'real life'. as I dont travel and try to stay off digital tools in my down time... but maps would be useful for travel. Spreadsheets and forms are definetly usefull for work but not so much at home. Man my head is swimming with the possibilites. especially in my role as sports coordinator. BOOM


  1. Kia ora De! I totally agree that there were so many tools covered today that will present engaging Share opportunities for students. I can really see My Maps as a way to connect to students lives (e.g. places they have travelled to or not travelled) and as an authentic, productive way to encounter geography and mathematics in the world (or our own backyard). Isn't technology wonderful for these experiences? Like you, I also found the Powertools for data in Sheets to be a highlight. It makes you wonder what we ever did without them! So many affordances now for analysing and being responsive to student data. See you next week! Enjoy your toolkits.

  2. Very fancy looking blog Whaea De! Really liked the link between forms and sheets too. I'm looking forward to giving this a try.

  3. Kia ora De,

    I love that you are so excited about the content from last week - dealing with data is one of my favourite days. I just find spreadsheets and forms sooooo useful! Love that you've made that connection with using the digital affordances to support making teaching and learning more visible for our whānau.
    Looking forward to connecting with you again tomorrow.
