Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Week 9

 External recognition.

Well here we are at the end of the DFI journey.  Amazing way to learn.  I must admit i was very sceptical that it would be of any use to me.

1.    because I don't like change and couldn't see my class being able to use devices in class.  I just didn't 'get' how it would work and work well.

2.    because I thought it would either be too hard or too easy for me.  I can hold my own with ICT but I am certainly no digital native.

3.    I couldn't see the old devices we use any good...

Well... brush me with glue and throw feathers on me. I was wrong!

I have found the course to be 'bloody' useful.

I was concerned with students being "on" devices all day but it certainly isn't like that.  Yes it can be if needed but there is a lot of ways to work device use into hands on activities.  One my photocopy bill is way down!!!  But having a tool that can be used to plan and work with others on the same document is wonderful.  The conversations that have developed are amazing.  I have found different and useful ways in which my class can use and share their work with their parent in an online world so parents aren't having to come in and view it.  It has taken down many barriers for whanau.

Having the time to play with each tool as and when we are talking about it was incredibly helpful.  Learning one step ahead of the students is great if you have the time to stay one step ahead.  The kids are so quick that they figure things out a lot quicker than me and having time to talk about what we are doing and how it can work in class has been priceless.  So yes the old dog has learnt things and a pace that worked for everyong. I didnt feel like I was holding anyone up or being left behind.

I found that having the old devices in class was both of benefit and of detriment to us.  The older devices need to be plugged in at all times and have buttons missing but it allowed for both me and the students to have a little leeway in learning how to treat them.  The students are young and heavy handed and these old devices are big and heavy and not easy to lug around so that made them stay in one spot.  Which is good for younger students.  The fact that some buttons were missing help too in an odd way. More experienced students could remember the keyboard quickly and they took those devices. 

So on to Google educator test.

I passed!

Would I have passed 6 months ago?  Nope. Nah. No way.  I have learnt so much in such a sort time.

I do plan to continue with this blog as a tool and with my class site.  I am however changing years so it will be interesting how I can use ICT with juniors.  But the important thing is Im not scared to try.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Week 8. Coding

 Coding is hard!

In saying that I was comparing when I first started teaching and I would never have envisaged teaching online. So given time Im sure I will get it sorted and it will become like second nature.  I can remember my very first after school job and I had to work the fax machine!!!  

I was petrified then.  (Not a lot has changed)

If I was teaching my class I would be saying things like mistakes mean you are trying. Mistakes are good.  Keep trying don't give up (OMG I am annoying)

I was trying out Scratch and I was so confused.  I can not see my kids being able to use this unless it is simplified.  So how do I simplify it.  It is up to me.

Simple...I learn.  I become proactive and figure it out. I also give credit to my students and realise that they, as digital natives, are probably better than me and will not have the fear I have. 


So the above is my very small effort of trying a code.  I sucked...  but the next one will be better.