Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Week 8. Coding

 Coding is hard!

In saying that I was comparing when I first started teaching and I would never have envisaged teaching online. So given time Im sure I will get it sorted and it will become like second nature.  I can remember my very first after school job and I had to work the fax machine!!!  

I was petrified then.  (Not a lot has changed)

If I was teaching my class I would be saying things like mistakes mean you are trying. Mistakes are good.  Keep trying don't give up (OMG I am annoying)

I was trying out Scratch and I was so confused.  I can not see my kids being able to use this unless it is simplified.  So how do I simplify it.  It is up to me.

Simple...I learn.  I become proactive and figure it out. I also give credit to my students and realise that they, as digital natives, are probably better than me and will not have the fear I have. 


So the above is my very small effort of trying a code.  I sucked...  but the next one will be better.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora De,

    I love your enthusiasm! When I've introduced something like coding to kids before, I've started out with a brief intro and a few key tips, then given the students sandpit time to explore. Then had them share back to the class some of the things they discovered! It was a great way to have 30 people exploring and the kids would always come back to me with things I'd never have found, because as you say, they aren't afraid of getting things wrong, they just dive on in there!
